Throughout your diversity visa journey, there might come a time when you might need to send an email to KCC to unlock your DS260 application to make important changes to your case or general inquiry about your case. General inquiries about diversity visa, DV, or case update must be sent to
This article has already been explained in a video available on my YouTube channel Wofoy TV
With over 100,000 selectees in the DV lottery, it is expected that KCC would be dealing with enormous number of emails. Therefore, you want to make sure the important details in your email doesn’t get swept under the rag with automated response which sometimes do not address the issue.
I have come up with a more effective way to send an email to KCCto get an effective response.
1. Why do you want to contact KCC?
You need to ask yourself why it is necessary for you to contact KCC because contacting them over unimportant matters will just be waste of resources.
2. Your concern must be relevant to KCC.
We get caught up in our own stories and what detail we think will sweetened our stories but at the end of the day, KCC can only assist you with issues that are under their jurisdiction. So, make sure your issue is something KCC can help solve.
3. Keep your message simple and short.
Keeping your message simple and short will keep the KCC contractor reading to respond to your email engaged. Long and winding stories get boring, and no one wants to read a boring story. Besides, you are not the only one emailing KCC, but you want to make sure, you get the resolution or answer you desire, and this will help get you that.
4. Ready to Compose your email
Make sure you have the correct email address, put your case number in the subject line and identify yourself or the applicant who is the subject of this email to that KCC will provide the appropriate solution.
5. Offer options on your expected solutions
Most of the time when people contact KCC, they want their cases to be unlocked or some changes to be made to their cases. If you are unsure of what appropriate solution to apply to your case, you could ask KCC to make the changes is possible or unlock your case for you. This is a better way because you could avoid unlocking your case if KCC can effect the changes on your behalf.
6. Put steps 1-5 together
You are now ready to put everything together. You could start or end with step 5.
And don’t forget to end your message with appreciation or a kind message. They say, “you attract more bees with honey than vinegar”.
Congratulations!! You have successfully completed your lesson on sending an effective email to KCC.
Good luck to you on this journey!